I’m Niki Woods

I’m a former HR Manager turned peri/menopause educator and coach of midlife professional women

I’m a regular guest speaker for the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development), and I work with businesses to improve menopause awareness, education, and support for employers, managers and colleagues

I also a coach individual clients to improve their lifestyle, health, mindset, and confidence during perimenopause and beyond with an integrated approach covering fitness, nutrition, mindset and habits-based coaching

A member of the British Menopause Society and International Menopause Society, I’ve featured several times in local media & podcasts educating on menopause and health, and I run a 1500-member free Facebook group dedicated to supporting women in midlife


Click here to call me on +447378961869

Click the WhatsApp button to send me a WhatsApp

Or click here to schedule a callback https://calendly.com/nikiwoods




