How I can help you
As a CEO, Ops Director, HR Manager, or Wellbeing Manager, have you ever wished you could find someone who could advise you & your employees how to navigate their their menopause journey and improve their health, fitness, mindset, energy, & nutrition, but who also understood the business viewpoint?
Well look no further, because before I worked in menopause and wellness I was an HR Manager!
As a qualified PT & Nutritionist, I combine my training in fitness, nutrition & functional medicine, with my years of HR Experience to bring you & your employees practical advice to improve habits, posture, mindset & health.
I’m a member of the British Menopause Society and International Menopause Society, and I offer peri/menopause-specific support & education for business, managers & employees, covering awareness, training, and practical solutions to enable your people to thrive in midlife and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions
What services can you provide to my organisation?
In a corporate setting I can provide:
• Menopause awareness & education sessions &/or formal training
• Best Midlife Executive Wellness Programme
• Keynote/guest speaker or panel member for seminars / awaydays / events
• ‘Menocafe in a box’ year-long curated peer support structure
• Nutrition and/or wellbeing workshops and seminars
Sessions can be in-person, remote, e-learning or take a blended approach.
You can download a booklet of further information about my menopause-specific services for business at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C7Q3jRWCvBtie2BD49gZjKrEOavb9ny-/view?usp=drive_link
You can email me at [email protected]
You can download further information about my Executive Wellbeing Programme at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C7Q3jRWCvBtie2BD49gZjKrEOavb9ny-/view?usp=drive_link
You can email me at [email protected]
And you can book for us to speak at https://calendly.com/nikiwoods
You can download my Workplace Menopause Checklist at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y2a8tiA42jYvaTQAim0BbtQ3k25jRsEd/view?usp=drive_link
Once you’ve done that please email me at [email protected] and/or book a call at https://calendly.com/nikiwoods and we can discuss the findings and my recommendations for your next steps
Who are menopause seminars &/or training relevant to?
Menopause affects 100% of women at some point in their lives, generally 5+ years between 35 & 55. So if you have any women in your workforce, it will affect them. If you have any men in your workforce, it will affect them indirectly through the women in their life. Therefore, it could be said to directly or indirectly affect 100% of employees.
Menopause education isn’t just relevant to female employees – 61% of men surveyed admitted they wouldn’t know what to do if menopause/ perimenopause was affecting a female colleague’s ability to do their job, according to a survey in this article from Personnel Today
Seminars & awareness sessions can be for employees, managers, or both and can be in-person, remote, or e-learning. Generally they can cover:
• General information / awareness
• Signs/symptoms, and strategies to ameliorate symptoms and improve wellbeing
• Potential strategies for managers to support & assist an employee
• Resources and signposting
• Follow-up e-learning
What about support for men?
Options specifically for men include:
- Men & menopause male-specific menopause awareness sessions
- Allyship sessions/workshops
- Andropause awareness sessions
There’s also my book
“Very engaging and thought provoking. Made the “taboo” subject very approachable.”
“Really informative and gave a great insight on not only understanding menopause but supporting those that are going through it. “
“I thought that the course explained extremely well what is a difficult subject for males in a direct and informative way.”
“It was a very good session, very informative. This session should be avaliable to all Supervisors within the company.”
Managers at Stagecoach Bus London, Menopause training for managers
Staff at Network Rail High Speed, awareness session
“Very useful and I learnt a lot. Gave me the confidence I needed to help support colleagues. “
“I found it really helpful, insightful and valuable towards being a better manager. Great trainer and loved hearing her own personal experiences as it made it more real. “
“Really interesting and empowering to learn more about the menopause and how it might affect me as well as those around me. I found it so valuable.”
“Really informative. I can tell you are truly passionate about this and care. I really enjoyed the emphasis on health and well-being too”
Managers at Accu Components, Menopause training for managers
“So useful to know what some women go through, your experience and what can be expected rather than having little to no knowledge and being completely caught off guard when the time comes”
“A really important area with huge impact”
Staff at Yorkshire & Humber AHSN, awareness session
‘’Really interesting, I learnt a lot’’
‘’Even though I’m 60+ and post menopause I still found it really interesting and will be able to pass what I learnt onto my daughters.’’
‘’I learnt so much about pre menopause’’
‘’a scary topic but the trainer delivered it really well, felt relaxed but informed’’
Staff at Woodhouse Grove Academy Group, awareness session