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The realtalk you need to hear regarding successful fatloss

The realtalk you need to hear regarding successful fatloss

The media often gives ‘quick fix’ messages when it comes to fatloss, & this can be massively disheartening when reality proves different than your expectations, often leading to demotivation, low self-worth, & giving up. What’s the solution? Understanding the reality & going forward with a plan that works.

I often say “you don’t need a diet you need a nutrition strategy for life”. So as society starts reopening & people start thinking about losing their lockdown pounds & increasing their fitness, here’s 7 key ‘real talk’ elements of SUCCESSFUL FATLOSS:

How to lose the right kind of weight – losing fat while preserving muscle & protecting your metabolism

How to lose the right kind of weight – losing fat while preserving muscle & protecting your metabolism

Most people say they want to lose weight, but what they actually mean is they want to lose fat. And there’s a difference in dietary approach that can support this.

‘Losing fat’ means that you reduce bodyweight while preserving muscle, which helps you look better, be stronger, and be healthier. No-one wants to be skinnyfat with a low metabolism right?
