My Blog
How to avoid weightgain during coronavirus lockdown, and why this is important for long-term health
Here’s my advice to try to help you not gain weight, not become grossly unfit, not feel like crap, or at least to minimise the damage to your long term health during the lockdown period, so you don’t end it having escaped the coronavirus but instead put yourself at long-term risk from other serious chronic medical conditions…
Easy Moroccan Harira Recipe
A quick, easy, cheap and tasty Moroccan Harira soup recipe
The management theory that will help you cope right now
Stephen Covey’s famous book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ says there are things we can control and things we cannot. These are the ‘circles of concern’ and the ‘circles of influence’.
Easy Minestrone Soup Recipe
An easy minestrone soup recipe, complete with MyFitnessPal barcode. Quick, easy, cheap, healthy and tasty!
Coronavirus & what you can do to safeguard/improve your general health
A properly-functioning immune system is essential to your body’s capability to deal with this virus (should you become infected) and also to deal with the many other viruses and bacteria that we encounter. As a Nutritionist with a Diploma in Optimaĺ Health here are some general recommendations that may help…