So, you think you’re in a calorie deficit but you’re not losing weight? Well, the bad news is that the fact you’re not losing weight means you’re not in a calorie deficit.

So, here’s a few common errors and how to fix things to get you back losing weight rather than losing motivation….

Online calculators provide averages and guesswork – they may not be giving the right targets for YOU. In studies there’s a far bigger variation in basal metabolic rate among women than in men. Another common error is if you’ve already lost weight but are still on your ‘old’ calories – you need to reduce them by a bit.
HOW TO FIX IT: Meticulously track your food and your activity for several weeks, trying to be as consistent as possible in your in take and expenditure. If your scale doesn’t move you’ve found your ‘maintenance’ calories. If it goes up, you’re in excess, if it goes down you’re in a deficit.

Already tracking? Realise that you are probably missing things out (studies have shown that even dieticians are out by a couple of hundred calories a day, and the general public significantly more) which means you’re probably cancelling out your deficit.
HOW TO FIX IT: Ensure you track ahead of time or as you go along rather than relying on recall, and be meticulous about tracking and measuring portions. Including liquids, ‘cheat days’, licks, bites, treats, and sneaky snacks. If that doesn’t work, go back to the method outlined in point

Absolutely on point with your diet weekdays but having a little extra at weekends? The ‘little extra’ will be cancelling out your weekday deficit.
HOW TO FIX IT: either dial back your weekends or create a bigger deficit on weekdays. Or a bit of both.

Not counting cheat meals/cheat days? The ‘cheats’ are cancelling out your deficit.
HOW TO FIX IT: Either don’t have cheat/treat meals (and definitely don’t have full days off plan), or create a bigger deficit on all other meals of the week.

Eating back the calories burned through activity?
HOW TO FIX IT: STOP! Activity trackers massively overestimate your calorie burn, and your calorie target will have already taken into account your activity. Eating extra calories to compensate for those burned scuppers your progress.

Reducing your activity levels as you reduce your calories.
HOW TO FIX IT: Sometimes we reduce activity levels without even realising it. Set a stepcount target and stick to it. Set a workout plan target and stick to it. Be generally active: fidget more, take the stairs, etc.

Not being patient or consistent for long enough.
HOW TO FIX IT: You just have to give it TIME. It didn’t take a day or 2 to gain the weight so it will take more than a couple of days to lose it. It may help to get some external accountability or coaching to keep you focussed and on track.

Not being honest with yourself
HOW TO FIX IT: work through the points above, and if you’re still struggling it may be time to get some external accountability in the form of a coach to check-challenge, make alterations, and provide oversight and expertise. And of course, if you think this may help you, then simply drop me a message or a phonecall for a chick no-obligation chat!

Lastly, if you want to start tracking but don’t know what the best app is to use, I recommend the free app MyFitnessPal If you want a FREE guide of how to use it, just head on over to my nutrition page on this website and you’ll find a section part-way down where you can request one from me.