Client Reviews

Want to know what my clients think about working with me?
Here are just some of the many 5 star reviews I’ve received

happy client review "this program is AMAZING"
happy client review "best money I ever spent"
happy client review "massive impact...success"
happy client review "not a diet but a mindset change"
happy client review
happy client review "can't thank niki enough"
happy client review "best decision ever made"
happy client review "absolutely brilliant"

Niki’s programme has taught me that it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach to dieting. Niki taught me how to make better choices around nutrition and how much sleep and hydration contributes to weight loss and generally feeling better overall. The programme is jam packed with useful information broken down into chapters that are not overwhelming. The most important element for me was learning to accept that not every day can be perfect and that’s ok and as a result, I am now much kinder to myself on days when I don’t achieve everything on my ‘to do list’. The programme allows you to eat out and still stay ‘on plan’ without the mindset that you have ruined all your hard work that day, so you may as well start again tomorrow. The programme teaches you that too much cardio is actually not what you need in your 40’s and this plan shows you how to incorporate the right amount into daily life. The plan also enables you to have accountability by tracking your weekly habits.

Niki is extremely supportive, always on hand to help and give advice/feedback and always seems to see the positives at the end of a week that may not have gone to plan. I highly recommend Niki’s programme!


I highly recommend niki's programme
37lbs & over 10% body fat lost in 90 days

I am 45 and have struggled with my weight and my emotional wellbeing since my early 20s, Over the past 25 years I have tried every diet, fad, been in therapy, had hypnosis and I have experienced small success followed by larger gains in weight. I have 3 children and a full time career in Public Health. I know what I need to do to be heathy both physically and mentally, yet I still struggled and continued to yo yo diet until I reached my heaviest weight earlier this year. Uncomfortable, pre diabetic, depressed, anxious about the pandemic and would I survive if I had COVID and was so overweight… Niki’s programme has changed my life…if not even saved my life as I did get COVID but I had already lost 1st 7lbs in only 4 weeks 🙂 Niki has helped me realise that I can not change or repeat the past but needed to discover a new way of managing my life, work, social life all while being able to focus on my mental and physical health

In 12 weeks working with Niki I have lost 37lbs, and 14 inches off my body. I did this while enjoying a week on holiday, three weeks of being knocked out by COVID and a bottomless brunch lol….my mantra now is I CAN and it is all thanks to Niki Woods. I still have a long way to go on my journey of self improvement and discovery, but I know now it is achievable… thank you Niki from the bottom of my heart x


I work long shifts in a sedentary job, love wine, and hadn’t exercised for years. This had all taken its toll on my body and fitness.

I’d started to feel ashamed and uncomfortable about my body and knew I needed to do something about it but couldn’t find a gym which location and hours fitted with my job, wasn’t sure what exercises to do, and had no accountability to stop me eating and drinking too much.

My goal was to fit back into my wedding dress but actually I’m now slimmer than on my wedding day. In 12 weeks I lost over 10kg and 10% body fat. Although of course it required a bit of planning and work really it was easy in that I just followed what Niki told me to do while learning what worked and why.

The plan is flexible enough that I even kept to it during 2 weeks all inclusive holiday 10 weeks into the programme, and I felt confident in my bikini which I never would have done if I hadn’t have started started Niki’s plan! I now know how to balance enjoying life with keeping the body and fitness level I want 🙂


90 day fatloss over 10kg fatloss & 10% bodyfat loss

Niki has done wonders with the equipment I have… the training is still hard and rewarding, and has helped to keep me fit and sane. Thanks Niki for the excellent remote PT sessions we have had so far.


Ever since Niki has been training me since the lockdown she has been perfect. Sticking with my original needs and adjusting as when necessary and correcting my technique throughout the session. Progressing me steadily and giving me good advice on nutrition to help my overall health. I already feel so much healthier and fitter. Niki has a lovely personality too which obviously helps. I would highly recommend training with Niki, the online aspect of our training has worked out perfectly.



Niki is an excellent Personal Trainer, each session with her is full of motivation, variety, joy and a lot of energy, she immediately knows your points to strengthen and how to develop your body strength. Time flies in each session, and you really end up with the satisfaction of intense work!

I started with her because I wanted a change in my vegetarian diet and change to being vegan, so with her advice I have managed to lose 9 kilos in 5 months and since we started our resistance training I have decreased measures in a healthy way.


I have had a fantastic experience training with Niki, first in the gym and now at home using facetime. She advises on all aspects of health and fitness, tailoring exercise to your individual needs and gives tips on how to realistically incorporate fitness into your specific daily routine. Great service.



I have been training with Niki for over a year. From day one with the first meet/induction I realized Niki was no joke she has alot of knowledge in training, nutrition, changing bad habits to good habits for life and if Niki didn’t know the answer she would do her home work to find out for you or to point you in the right direction. Training wise Niki made a plan to work to my goals and explains why and how you will get there she has corrected my posture, built muscle and helped me lose fat. Niki will push you in the gym to your limit she knows if you have more in the tank and not push you past to where you don’t want go back. Niki has trained me to the point were I am confident going to the gym on my own and now i have the knowledge to train my self.

As you can guess I highly recommend Niki as a PT for anyone give her a go you will not be disappointed.


I signed up to PT sessions nine months ago and didn’t really know what to expect but I am delighted to have met Niki and haven’t looked back since. I thought I would opt for sessions in the comfort and privacy of my own home – but found instead that I much preferred the gym sessions. Niki has a way of steering you around the gym – tailoring the programme (which always varies) to get the very best out of you. She literally makes me sit up straight – or in her own words “shoulders up back and down, abs on and core engaged – now go…!” and makes sure that you are using the equipment correctly and to your best advantage. She is a subtle blend of strictness and empathy. As a result of these sessions I’ve lost weight, feel toned and have not suffered from back or neck ache for which I was frequently attending a chiropractor.

I feel that the PT sessions are tailored to my specific needs and an investment in my own wellbeing. I can’t recommend Niki highly enough


I have worked with Niki for over 6 months. Niki has a great way of getting to your goals, understanding you as a whole person and getting a plan together. Her maturity, compared to other instructors, is a massive differeintiator and this really helps gets a personal connection and plan together. She is supportive and encouraging and constantly has you at the heart of each session. I highly recommend you get some sessions with Niki.


When I met Niki my main goal was to correct my posture and become more active. Before I met her I always felt shy or stupid when I tried to exercise at the gym, thinking that I will embarrass myself by doing something ridiculous… From the very beginning, she made me feel like a pro and thanks to her I discovered my inner strength! Thanks to her my secret dream came true – I was finally capable of being lifted by my husband as in Dirty Dancing final scene…! If you won’t lose weight by exercise, you’ll by laughing with her:) She creates really comfortable atmosphere and she achieved unimaginable – she made me enjoy exercising.


I have been having PT sessions with Nikki twice a week for 3 months now and I can throughly recommend her.
I explained to Nikki what I wanted to achieve and what my goals were and she put me on the right track through her time, tailored programmes and change of nutrition and I’m seeing the results of that.
She is very friendly, knowledgeable, approachable, passionate, helpful and a great motivator. She also goes that extra mile too to ensure client satisfaction.
Always open to questions too which she enjoys answering.


Working with Niki is a joy. She is so knowledgeable,. Great at correcting posture and making sure exercises are completed correctly so that the best result is achieved. I have really seen a difference in my muscle tone. Niki also gives great advice on diet and nutrition and suggests ways to achieve weight loss goals.


Niki has helped correct my posture, control my diet, learn about my muscle groups and which exercises are the best for my body. I wouldn’t have been able to get the results I wanted without Niki. She’s always in the gym so if she notices you doing anything incorrect on your own, she’ll help you correct it in your next session. She uses great imagery to help create strong mind to muscle connections to ensure you’re activating and working on the correct area for each work out.


Nikki was absolutely fab! I really enjoyed training with Nikki as she was motivating and guided me well when it came to nutrition and healthy eating! This was such a benefit to me as it helped me to understand food more and make the small changes that made such a difference even though I thought I was eating healthily before! This along with the sessions twice a week was a great help with weight loss! Would recommend Nikki to anyone trying to lose weight and improve their overall health and fitness !


From the beginning I was impressed with Niki’s knowledge. She understood the issues and lack of knowledge I had, and wanted to build my strength from the foundation up by working basic muscles I never used and correcting my posture. This meant that I was learning as I was training and showed that she wasn’t interested in just flashy results, but cared about me developing and becoming the best version of myself. Across my training with Niki it was nothing short of a wonderful experience and I was happy to see her every week (Though sometimes she pushed me so hard I wasn’t always saying this in the session!). I came away with a better understanding of fitness, nutrition and value for myself.


Niki is amazing!
I have been with many personal trainers in the past & not found anyone that actually takes the time to get to know me & my body.
I previously found myself lifting heavy weights & injuring myself. Since training with niki she has thought me how to exercise safely within the gym but also showing my how I can exercise outdoors.
I can not recommend nikki enough, really hands on & extremely passionate about what she does. Now I actually enjoy exercising, thank you!


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