What’s commonly referred to as ‘the menopause’ is actually several things: perimenopause, the day of menopause, and the rest of life after.

Perimenopause is the transition phase lasting up to 10 years before menopause during which hormones fluctuate and decline, and ovaries gradually stop working.

This decline in hormones can cause symptoms from perimenopause onwards, with each person’s perimenopause experience being unique. Because hormones can fluctuate unpredictably the perimenopause can be a confusing time with symptoms coming and going, and it’s quite normal that it takes a while to realise what’s going on.

The day of menopause is the day when the woman hasn’t had a period for 12 months. The average age is 51 but this can vary greatly – some women experience it much younger and there are differences between ethnic groups, health conditions, and socio-economic groups.

After that comes approximately 30 years of life post-menopause.

Menopause directly affects 51% of the population, but indirectly affects 100% of the population: partners, family members, friends, colleagues.

The value in sharing stories, raising awareness, and supporting those who are struggling due to menopause, is immeasurable to all in society.

If you’re struggling with perimenopause there are several ways I can help YOU:

  • Download my FREE Perimenopause & Menopause mini-guide at the bottom of this page
  • Join my FREE facebook group YOUR BEST MIDLIFE dedicated to supporting, educating & empowering women in midife here
  • Download my FREE Perimenopause & Menopause symptom tracker here
  • Take my £25 Perimenopause & Menopause mini-course – find out more here
  • Book a Peri/menopause consultation with me (priced at £75, book here and use reference PERICONSULT). There’s also the option of ongoing peri/menopause-specific coaching
  • Work with me over my transformation programme, which covers nutrition, fitness, mindset, habits and perimenopause – find out more here

I’m a member of the British Menopause Society & passionate about raising awareness around peri/menopause. 

Here are just some of the ways I can help in the WORKPLACE / CONFERENCES:

  • Corporate Menopause Awareness sessions &/or formal training (in person or online)
  • Guest speaker for staff menopause groups / team meetings / awaydays
  • Guest speaker / panel member for conferences
  • Online training modules / e-learning
  • Consultant for menopause policies/toolkits
  • and more…

Visit my Corporate page for more info and to contact me

Download my FREE Perimenopause & Menopause awareness posters here

The Man's guide to Menopause book

My Book

The Man’s Guide To Menopause: Everything You Need To Know But Were Afraid To Ask

is full of useful information for both men & women and is available on Amazon here

If you’re a woman who wants to receive information & peer support in a safe woman-only space, join my Free Facebook Group

Your Best Midlife here

If you’re a man who wants to receive information & peer support in a safe men-only (except me) space join my Free Facebook Group

The Man’s Guide To Menopause community here

I’ve had my own perimenopause challenges to overcome, and am open in talking about them in order that others can benefit.

You can read a short article about me in the Yorkshire Evening Post here and watch a short video interview in the embedded clip

The 2022 Menopause and the Workplace report by the Fawcett Society and Channel 4, which polled 4,000 women aged 45-55, found that:

  • 77% experience one or more symptoms described as ‘very difficult’
  • 10% had left their job because of symptoms of the menopause
  • 14% had reduced their hours because of symptoms
  • 8 per cent hadn’t applied for a promotion because of symptoms
  • 44% said their ability to work had been affected due to the menopause (18% currently, 26% in the past)
  • 45% of women haven’t talked to anyone at their GP practice, including 29% with 5 or more severe symptoms
  • 31% have seen delays in diagnosis
  • Only 39% were offered HRT after diagnosis. Of those, 44% of women who eventually received treatment had to wait for a year or more, & 12% had waited more than five years!
positive testimonial google review from happy corporate client
positive linkedin testimonial review from happy corporate client
Leeds menopause expert 'not surprised' by figures showing extent of HRT inequality across NHS CCGs interview with Niki Woods Yorkshire Evening Post
Beeston woman left sleeping 12 hours a day by transition to menopause on mission to help Leeds women in midlife Being a woman in midlife can be daunting but a coach from Beeston is on a mission to ensure people are supported. Interview with Niki Woods Yorkshire Evening Post

Want my FREE Perimenopause & menopause mini-guide covering signs, symptoms, hormones, diagnosis, nutrition, exercise, and more?

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Download your free perimenopause & menopause symptom tracker



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dedicated to supporting, educating & empowering women in midife


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The Man's guide to Menopause book

My Book

The Man’s Guide To Menopause: Everything You Need To Know But Were Afraid To Ask

is full of useful information for both men & women and is available on Amazon here

If you’re a woman who wants to receive information & peer support in a safe woman-only space, join my Free Facebook Group

Your Best Midlife here

If you’re a man who wants to receive information & peer support in a safe men-only (except me) space join my Free Facebook Group

The Man’s Guide To Menopause community here